qdb.sh :: 000016
<militantorc> constxd, mac is a scam
<militantorc> too much money for too little hardware
<constxd> ok man have fun tinkering in your little system76 hobby machine.
<militantorc> frankly who exactly wants 'thin' laptops. i feel its a coordinate bs by companies
<militantorc> not an actual user preference
<EdFletcher> yeah, it really is 
<EdFletcher> (user preference) 
<militantorc> if i am paying beyond a certain amount for a tool, i want the tool to be modular, upgradable and repairable
<EdFletcher> if you carry it around all day, you want it to be small. but powerful still. 
<militantorc> i don't pay high amounts for locked toys
<militantorc> i asked many persons if they want sealed or replaceable batteries
<militantorc> all said they want replaceable
<militantorc> yet wheres a smartphone with replaceable battery today
<constxd> it's only a "locked toy" to computer geeks. to serious professionals it's a best-in-class mobile workstation.
<militantorc> constxd, a serious tool should be repairable.
<constxd> it's ok man if your time isn't valuable and u want to spend your weekends shopping on pcpartpicker and taking your laptop apart to do custom mods and upgrades u are absolutely allowed to do that
<constxd> i wish u all the best i hope your RGB backlit keyboard brings u a lot of joy. but personally i am busy doing Chad activities on the weekend like having sex with hot girls. so i will stick to my macbook.


